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Acne Scars & Other Scars/Keloids – Treatment Options in Las Vegas
PICO Laser Resurfacing & INTRAcel Fractional Radiofrequency Microneedling Available for Acne Scarring at Strimling Dermatology, Laser & Vein Institute
Photos / Pictures of Acne Scars in Las Vegas

Acne scars are unfortunate, residual, permanent marks left behind after acne. Acne scarring and other scars from chicken pox or other illnesses/injuries can cause significant psychological and social distress and/or discomfort.
Acne scarring is unpredictable, since acne severity does not correlate with the development, type or severity of acne scars. Likewise, the most effective way to prevent post-acne scarring is to seek early treatment intervention of your acne.
Thankfully, various novel refinements and modern treatment techniques developed by Cosmetic Dermatologists offer safe and effective treatment of acne scars, as well as other types of scars, to improve your skin’s appearance and self-esteem. Acne scar treatment is often complex, requiring various treatment techniques, separately or in combination over several or more treatment sessions.
Knowledgeable, well-trained and equipped in the expanding arsenal of acne scar treatments, our “Award Winning Cosmetic Surgeon” and cosmetic dermatologist, Robert Strimling, MD has a special interest in acne scar prevention and treatment. “I understand how psychologically devastating acne scarring can be and therefore, always strive to understand each unique patient’s goals and desires in helping my patients achieve the best possible improvement in their skin appearance and self-esteem.” A thorough evaluation of your medical history and examination is paramount to understanding your skin type, scar locations, scar sub-types (and causes), as well as your expected response to proposed treatments and your healing capacity. This helps us devise the best possible acne scar treatment plan for you.
Who gets Acne Scars? What are the Risk Factors?
Acne is very common, affecting up to 80% of adolescents, and acne scarring may affect up to 11% or more of the general population. Acne scars may be associated with low self esteem, social anxiety, embarrassment, depression, anger, distorted body image, reduced academic performance and unemployment. When active acne & scars are present, control of the active acne is generally the first priority to stop new acne scars from developing. Treatments that help acne and also help improve scarring are recommended.
What are Acne Scars? What other conditions are related to Acne Scars?
Although the answer to this question appears obvious, acne scars are defined by and result in focal, noticeable contour irregularities in the skin after the healing of acne. These contour irregularities may be elevated (hypertrophic or keloid scarring), or more commonly, depressed/sunken (atrophic scarring).
Types of Acne Scars & Other Scars
Thus, acne scars, as well as other scars are broadly categorized as hypertrophic, keloidal (keloidal scars are similar to hypertrophic scars) or atrophic scars. Treatment considerations vary for each type.
Atrophic acne scars are the most common type and can be further divided into ice-pick scars, rolling scars, and box car scars, each named for their morphology. Most acne scar patients exhibit a combination of scar types. Ice-pick scars are usually narrow, deep, tapering scars. In contrast to ice-pick scars, rolling & boxcar scars are larger, broader, shallower scars. Rolling scars have rolling, gradual edges while boxcar scars have sharper, more well-defined edges.
Another acne scar grading system accounts for additional features, including the discoloration and distensibility or stretchability of atrophic scars, which also impacts treatment planning. Scars may be skin colored or variably lighter, darker or more red in color than usual.
Treatment Options for Acne Scars & Other Scars
Hypertrophic or keloidal scars are usually treated with a series of intralesional (i.e. injected) Kenalog sessions combined with adjunct ablative fractional laser resurfacing or micro-needling.
Treatment options for ice-pick scars include punch elevation or excision, CROSS chemical peels and/or adjunct fractional ablative or non-ablative laser resurfacing or micro-needling.
Rolling or boxcar type acne scars treatment options include subcision, dermal filling, micro-needling and/or fractional ablative or non-ablative laser resurfacing.
Multiple treatments, including a variety of cosmetic techniques, is often advised for best results.
Post-acne skin discolorations, most commonly hyperpigmentation (i.e. dark spots), are often not a true form of scarring, but represent a condition known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which is often self-limited if and after the acne is controlled. Several months may be required for clearance. Otherwise, clearance can almost always be hastened with a combination of topically applied lightening creams combined with novel laser toning, available at our clinic. However, some dark spots may be associated with true scarring and hence, clearance may be partial or incomplete, take longer and require other treatments.
Hypopigmented areas (i.e. white or lighter skin colored areas) may represent a variety of non-scarring or scar-related diagnoses, including scarring caused by a variety of sources. Contour irregularity can be improved via techniques discussed below, but attempts to darken lighter areas of skin color is often more resistant. Our Pharos narrow band ultraviolet B laser can be used to stimulate re-pigmentation in hypopigmented skin. Early, evolving scars may be erythematous (i.e. red in color) or may represent healing deep-seated acne cyst or nodules, which may or may result in scarring, depending upon a variety of factors. With intense pulsed light, as in our Sciton Broad Band Light (BBL) device, one or more painless, no down-time treatment sessions is usually curative for erythematous scars.
Other injectables, including platelet rich plasma injections are also possible treatment options.
We use safe, effective, literature-supported acne scar treatments. However, results or levels of satisfaction may vary. Anyone with acne scars or other scars is a potential candidate for cosmetic improvement. One or more treatment sessions and/or techniques may be recommended for best possible results. Expect improvement, not complete disappearance of scarring. Depending upon treatment type/s, cosmetic improvement may require a few days to months, but generally is long lasting or permanent. Likewise, any aftercare, possible side effects and complications vary with treatment type.
Contact us at or call us at (702) 243-6400 for more information and/or to schedule an acne scar consultation.