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What is Melasma?
Melasma is an abnormal patchy to diffuse mottled brown or blue-grey facial skin discoloration. Melasma can occur off the face, as well. Melasma is predominantly seen in women during their reproductive years. Rarely, it occurs in men as well. 4 types of melasma pigmentation patterns are seen:
1. epidermal,
2. dermal,
3. mixed epidermal and dermal
4. increased melanocytes (especially, in very dark skin types)
Most melasma is the mixed type. These types of melasma have treatment implications. Diagnosis is typically by your dermatologist through clinical exam. Melasma is not dangerous, but is usually cosmetically disconcerting. Often, melasma recurs with discontinuance of effective therapy. Thus, maintenance skin care programs are recommended.
What causes Melasma?
No one knows exactly what causes melasma. However, sun exposure and conditions of elevated female hormonal states, specifically, external female hormones (e.g. birth control pills) and internal hormonal changes as seen with pregnancy, are promoting factors. Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern and similar darker skin type females have a higher incidence of melasma. Genetic factors also contribute. Skin irritation from a variety of causes is a risk factor.
What are treatment options for Melasma?
Melasma may rarely clear spontaneously without treatment or may clear with sun avoidance and daily sunblock use. For others, melasma may disappear weeks to months after pregnancy or after stopping birth control pills or related hormonal therapy.
For most melasma sufferers, some form of treatment will be needed. Sun avoidance and daily sunscreen should be a part of any treatment regimen. Topical combination prescription bleaching creams that include hydroquinone, tretinoin and other ingredients are usually helpful for the epidermal component, but not so much for the dermal pigment. Topical skin care programs may require up to 3 months for results. Failure to satisfactorily improve by 3 months with topicals alone is an indication for adjunct treatments, such as chemical peels and / or laser therapy.
Please download our Melasma Laser Toning brochure for more information.
Contact us at or call us at (702) 243-6400 to schedule a melasma evaluation and treatment consultation.